Untitled Header Image Congratulations 2024 Graduates



This is a volunteer organization, and in partnership with the benefits you will enjoy, your membership also requires that you are willing to be a part of sustaining this organization’s efforts by volunteering some of your time, skills, and efforts to benefit the whole group. Your membership application/Family Information Form asked about areas of interest with which you might be willing to assist the Board of Directors. Please expect us to call on you to help in some way throughout the coming year. We appreciate all ideas, time, creativity, and partnership that you can provide. It makes this group better every moment.

Guest Privileges

If you know of someone interested in joining membership, the Board of Directors has agreed to a general approach that allows a family to join our membership in attendance to one or two events as a guest. If, after this time, the family decides that attendance at more events is desirable, or if they would like to take advantage of other aspects of membership, then submission of a membership application and dues will be expected.

Offering Classes

If you would like to teach a class to the member students of CCHSA, then please go to our website and print out the Class Form for submission to, and approval by, the Board of Directors. You can also obtain a copy of this form from anyone on the Board of Directors. This form provides all the particulars of the class and should also be distributed to parents of students that are interested in the class. Details on advertising the class can be submitted to the Vice President for diplaying on the website.

Membership Annual Meetings

Member attendance is expected at the Annual Business Meeting each spring. Usually held in connection with the Annual Field Day to make it fun! The Board of Directors of CCHSA also holds quarterly board meetings, in June, October, January, and March/April. These board meetings are open to the membership, unless special circumstances call for a private meeting. All members are welcome to make proposals to the board and also to submit ideas for budget or agenda items to our board. Please consult the Policies and Procedures Manual for directions on how to submit such a proposal for consideration by the Board of Directors. Please consider taking a term of service during your time in CCHSA to allow for giving back to this organization. We need regular, fresh ideas and energy for our Board.