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Co-Op FAQs

What is a "cooperative"?
A homeschool co-op, or cooperative, is a group in which every
member family participates to provide classes for the students. At co-op we count on all of our members to contribute their time, energy and talents by helping implement our programs, events and activities. The Co-op has a leadership team which oversees the ministry and offers help and support where needed.

How does the co-op Class Day operate? We meet for 10 weeks in the fall and in the spring on Monday mornings. We have three, 55-minute classes at Kingsville Baptist church and classes are offered on a variety of subjects both academic and extra-curricular. Each morning, the families enter the building, sign in, and get a name tag. We will then begin with a few songs, followed by announcements, a short devotion, and a prize drawing for those that have arrived on time. Your child will take three different classes each year. They will rotate each hour with the exception of children 5 and under. We offer at least two classes per age group, per hour for students to choose from. Most of the classes are taught by parents with a few being offered by community volunteers or outside teachers.

Are parents required to teach at Co-op? No, but they are required to be there each week, stay on campus and are required to volunteer by teaching or assisting for two of the three hours. The other hour is set aside as your “off” hour. We have a break room that is set up for fellowship, snacks, books, and coffee.

How old must my child be to attend co-op? Your oldest child MUST be 5 years old by the first day of the current co-op year in order to attend.

Can I register my child for a different age level? Our current policy is that the child must be the age listed on the class description by the first day of class in the current school year. If the child's birthday is within the first month from the first day of classes, he/she may register in that age group. For those that have special needs, you must speak to co-op leadership PRIOR to registering.

Can I still join if I know that I won’t be able to attend all of the class days? We depend on everyone attending each week in order for the cooperative to function. We do however allow for one planned absence if you already have a planned event that will cause you to miss. You are also responsible for finding your replacement for the day that you will be absent. We first suggest that you enlist your spouse or parent. If that is not an option, you will need to ask a mom who is off those hours to give up her break and cover for you. There will be a list available to you of those who are off each hour and you will need to contact one of them and make the arrangements.

Am I required to sign a statement of Faith? Our co-op is an extension of CCHSA. When you join CCHSA, you have the option to sign a statement of faith or a statement that your family agrees to abide by the statement of faith while attending CCHSA events including co-op.